Senior Salutes: May 2020
May 10, 2020
Juliet Her would like to salute Ms.Goodwin and Ms.Hanna! Throughout high school they have broken Her out of her shell and allowed her to feel much more confident not only in herself, but also her musical and theatric abilities.Her has always loved theater and music.When school had been stressful Ms.Goodwin and Ms.Hanna’s classes helped to raise her spirits.One of Her’s favorite memories with them would be in their classes, doing what she loved and being around people she admired.Her would like to say,
“Senior year isn’t at all what we expected, but I would still like to thank both of you for helping and guiding me.You both have been incredible, and I enjoyed each moment I had with the both of you.”

of the yearbook staff.
Anabel Cardoza would like to salute Mr.Ward and Ms.Thomas! While in their classes she felt that she was in a safe environment no matter what.They had reassured her that mistakes were okay and that she should focus on growth and attaining her goals.Cardoza says,
“The most valuable lesson I learned from them is that even when things are tough you can still find 1,000 reasons to smile!”

courtesy of yearbook staff.
Cardoza had loved to attend their classes because of the positive energy that filled the rooms. It made learning a lot more exciting.One of Cardoza’s favorite memories was with Mr.Ward on Dia De Los Muertos.Cardoza explained that it was exciting to see her culture being represented in the school, and it wouldn’t have been possible without Mr.Ward going above and beyond.Cardoza would like to tell them both,
“Thank you both for standing by me during the hard and good times.”
Shelby Caton would like to salute the entire coaching staff of the THS Track and Field! Caton says that they have all believed in her and pushed her to grow mentally and physically.Caton explains that one of her best memories is from the beginning of track practice every day when Coach Park says,
“We are going to do what we do every day pinky, we are going to take over the world.”

courtesy of yearbook staff.
To Caton that meant that she needed to push herself, no matter what she was doing.
Caton would like to say,
“I’d like to thank the whole track program, including my teammates for being a part of my life and pushing me to be the best I can be.”
Kaitlynn Daniels would like to salute her parents! Her parents have helped her through all aspects of life and pushed her to always be better.Daniels says that they have made her the person she is today by seeing all the potential that she could not see herself.Daniels explains that one of her favorite memories with her parents is taking a trip to Colorado and visiting many cool places like Pikes Peak, waterfalls, and sand dunes! Daniels would like to tell them,

courtesy of yearbook staff.
“I couldn’t ask for anyone better to be my parents! Thank you for supporting and loving me through everything.I am going to miss you greatly at college, but no matter what I will always be your little girl.I love you both.”